Te reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I like learning a Maori sentence at Assembly each week then practising it in our classroom". 

Maths Term 4

WALT know about place value - hundreds, tens, ones. 

I can read this number - 710". 

Discovery Term 4

WALT use the key competencies.
Student Voice
' I like to design something during Discovery time".

Reading Term 3

WALT read with expression.
Student Voice - "I can make my voice sound different as I read along. If the words are dark i need to say them more loudly"

Maths Term 3

WALT know the number before and after numbers up to 100.

Student Voice " I can tell you the number after and the number before". 

Discovery Term 3

WALT use the key competencies.
Student Voice - "I like to use my thinking to do things on the ipad at Discovery".

Reading Term 2

WALT use strategies in reading.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I will use the picture,  look at the words,  get my mouth ready, read on and come back to the unknown word.
Reading strategies
Student Voice - I know what to do when I meet a new word.